Edu-Ipensive - An Education Eco System

#userinterfacedesign #prototyping

Educational Industry

Edu-ipensive is an educational product which manage whole school or college on your finger taps. It is covering almost all the features.

Edu-ipensive is a product which is developed to serve all the schools. Edu-ipensive is a web based application which convers almost all the details of the schools and various components of school. It has the modules like admission management, fees management, attandance management, student management, exam management and result management. User can manages each module of the school ona single tap of web and mobile app.

Tools & Technology

Prototyping, UI Design, Brand Experience Design, Front-end Development


May 2017


Ipensive Techno Labs

Very impressive team and very good understanding of interface design for product ideas. I have provided them very limited ideas or say convey very limited information but the team itself define the app designs in very meaningful manner which has help us to enhance the product values and make a perfect brand.

Team Edu-ipensive